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#TheFeministFight weekly round-up: There is a war on men and I still have a dream

“I Have A Dream”SALT Project on Vimeo

Because there is no possible way I can write about #TheFeministFight this week without commemorating THE MAN. Although Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. day, let’s continue to fight for that same equality and that same togetherness that he dreamt about EVERY DAY for all people.

Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the InternetPacific Standard

“‘Ignore the barrage of violent threats and harassing messages that confront you online every day.’ That’s what women are told. But these relentless messages are an assault on women’s careers, their psychological bandwidth, and their freedom to live online. We have been thinking about Internet harassment all wrong.”

Feminism and its wussification of menmuckmire

Some crazy Australian author named Nick Adams told FOX’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck that there is, in fact, a war on men.

White House launches a new task force to end rape on campusFeministing

In “hell yes!” news of the week, on Wednesday, the White House Counsel on Women and Girls and the Office of the Vice President released a report and launched a new plan to end rape on college campuses.

Revenge-Porn King Hunter Moore Indicted on Federal Charges TIME

Hunter Moore aka “The Most Hated Man on the Internet” has been indicted on 15 counts, including conspiracy, unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information, and aggravated identity theft. Hey, shitbag, good job stealing nude photos of women from their email accounts and posting them to the internet for the whole world to see. ENJOY PRISON.

Judge Orders Hospital to Remove Pregnant Woman From Life Support The New York Times

I wrote about this story a few weeks ago, and it finally has come to a victorious (yet heartbreaking) end. Marlise Munoz was 14-weeks pregnant when she collapsed in her kitchen from a blood clot in her lungs that later left her braindead. She was put on life support (AGAINST HER AND HER FAMILY’S WISHES) and kept there (since November!) because Texas law prohibits withdrawing life support from pregnant patients.

Why TIME’s cover of Hillary doesn’t bother me at all muckmire

TIME magazine’s recent cover of Hillary Clinton has offended many with both its quintessential portrayal of Hillary (pant suit and kitten heel) and its portrayal of women (squashing men under said heel). Original? No. Offensive? Not to me. Empowering? YES.

Woman Confronts Alleged Rapist on YouTube; The Result Is Jaw-Dropping Jezebel

Watching this was just the craziest thing ever. (Although, side note: I am getting hella annoyed with all this clickbait that has been happening lately that is more about garnering clicks and views than about delivering a good story or product – why, yes, I’m looking at you, Upworthy. In this case, yes, the result of watching the video was indeed jaw-dropping, but I don’t need you to tell me that. Like, “The number one thing you should not be eating is…” and then you click on the article link and it’s “POOP!” or something else fucking stupid. Just stop, “journalists”.) ANYWAY! A brave woman under the name Jamie X outs her childhood molester – who was then her teacher and is now a school administrator – on the phone AND ON CAMERA. I love the Internet.

25 Women Poised to Lead the Culture in 2014Flavorwire

Look, I hate lists as much as I hate crappy headlines, but this is a GOOD list. Well done, Michelle Dean. (Although I don’t really know what “the Culture” is, I, too, would like to lead it one day.)

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