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#TheFeministFight weekly round-up: Let's party like it's 2058 because hairy feminists are ba

Stop Degrading Male Feminists. We’re On Your Side - Lone Pakistani Liberal

Seriously, this piece needed to be written, and I’m glad he had the BALLS (yes, I said balls, ladies, as in the ones HE, the male feminist, has) to write it. Also, did you like the way I wrote “male feminist”? No, probably not, because it as worthless as writing “female actor” and “male nurse”. Cut it from your fucking vocabulary, and stop pissing on people who defend feminism, no matter what gender they ascribe to.

5 Women Changing the World - theradicalidea

A list that simultaneously inspires you [to do more] and vilifies you [for not doing enough].

The Truth Can Get a Little Hairy: Reflections on Body Hair, Feminism, and Trans Identity - everyday feminism

I remember the first week of sixth grade and having to change in the locker room for gym class for the first time. Of course, I always had gym class growing up, but now it, like, reaaallllyyyy mattered: Now I had tits and awkwardness and hairy-ass, dark, coarse Puerto-Rican hair on my Puerto-Rican legs. Had this article been around in my years of white junior high, things coulda, woulda, shoulda been different.

Study: Domestic Violence Hurts Survivors’ Finances and Work Stability - Jezebel

While reading this article, the obvious “No shit, Sherlock” response doesn't make this study any less resounding.

The Future of Gender Wage Equality - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Because I've got 99 problems, and my pay is one.

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